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Terms & Conditions

Please read our T's&C's. You will need to check that you have read and agree with our Terms and conditions in order to start your journey with us.

All the small print...


All information to be given will be kept confidential by Shape Plus.



  • Explanation of the exercise test – You may be asked to perform a number of exercise/health related assessments (usually to be carried out on the 1st session). These assessments will vary in exercise intensity. You will be monitored closely throughout and only asked to complete tests appropriate to your fitness level.  I may stop any test at any time because of signs of fatigue or, you may stop when you wish because of personal feelings of fatigue or discomfort.


  • Risks and discomforts assumptions - The client understands that the reaction of the heart, lungs, and blood vessel system to such exercise cannot always be predicted with accuracy. The client understands that during or following exercise there is a risk that they may experience abnormal blood pressure or heart rate, ineffective functioning of the heart, and in rare instances, heart attacks. Use of the weight lifting equipment and engaging in heavy body calisthenics can lead to musculoskeletal strains, pain and injury. Other risks might include fainting, disorder of heartbeat and in rare instances, heart attack, stroke or death.  Every effort will be made to minimise these risks by evaluation of preliminary information relating to your health and fitness and by observations during testing.  


  • Responsibilities of the client - information you possess about your health status or previous experiences of unusual feelings with physical effort may affect the safety and value of your exercise tests.  Your prompt reporting of feelings of effort during the testing itself is also of great importance.  It is your responsibility to fully disclose such information.


  • Benefits to be expected - The client also understands that a program of a regular exercise for the heart, lungs, muscles and joints has many associated benefits. These may include a decrease in body fat and risk of heart disease as well as improvement in blood fats, blood pressure, and psychological function. The amount and degree of benefits experienced will be relative to personal adherence of an exercise program based on prescribed amounts of intensity, duration, frequency, progression and types of activity


  • Freedom of consent - The client's permission to perform the exercise/health assessments (including body composition analysis if required) is voluntary. The client is free to deny consent or stop at any point, if they so desire.


  • Using/booking Shape Plus services, the client confirms they have read the above information and they understand the potential risks and benefits of working with a Personal Trainer and they voluntarily agree to assume such risks. Further, the client hereby release and hold harmless Shani Lesk (SHAPE +) from any claims or causes of action of any kind. 




Personal Training:


  • The trainer (Shani Lesk/’SHAPE+’) will use their skills and knowledge to design a safe session and sets of exercise that will take into account the personal goals, fitness levels and exercise likes and dislikes of the client.


  • The trainer (Shani Lesk /SHAPE +) will use their skills and knowledge to provide the coaching, supervision advice and support that the client may need to help them achieve their goals. The client’s progress will be regularly monitored and the programme revised and adjusted accordingly.


  • The trainer will provide all necessary exercise equipment, unless otherwise agreed.


  • All client information will be kept strictly private and confidential. If the trainer requires further medical information from a practitioner, the client must provide such details.


  • The client/trainer is required to arrive 5 minutes prior to a training session so that a full session can be achieved on each visit.


  • The client is required to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Clothes should be loose fitting and non-restrictive. Footwear should be comfortable and provide adequate support. 


  • Please refrain from bringing jewellery and/or any expensive equipment with you . If you choose to bring any, you do so at your own risk and liability.


Health Screening

  • All clients must complete a PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) before commencing any exercise programme.


  • I may require a letter of ‘medical clearance’ from your GP. Please be aware that your GP may charge you for this.


Booking / cancelling your sessions-

  • All packages and/or sessions are bookable and to be cancelled online (via the website) only and in accordance with the T’s & C’s).


  • It is the clients sole responsibility to ensure they have booked their desired time-slot (you have the option to book all sessions on your preferred day, according to online availability). 


  • You may ‘spread’ your sessions in the package as you wish! (i.e in a 10 session package , for example, you can book 3 sessions one week , 2 the next and 5 the following week).


Cancellation Policy    

  • No-show and /or notice of less than 12 hours notice will incur full payment of the session fee. In accordance to this, this session will be subtracted from your total package number automatically . You shall not be reimbursed for this.


  • If the trainer has to cancel the session, your session will of course, be rescheduled.


Lateness Policy

  • If the client is late for a session the session will not be extended and will end at the appointed time.


  • If the trainer is late, additional time will be added to the session or to subsequent sessions. 


Fee Charging Policy

  • ‘Pay-as-you-go’ available, as well as block sessions (‘plans').


  • 5 & 10 session packages must be redeemed fully within 3 & 6 months of purchase, respectively.


  • 20 & 30 session packages must be redeemed fully within 12 months of purchase.


  • Any expired sessions will be lost and cannot be redeemed. 


Training App


  • As part of training with Shape +, a training app will be offered (free of charge) as part of the training  for Plan clients only. 


  • If you decide to terminate Shape + services, any access to the training app will be terminated as well.


  • If you wish to continue using the training app and Shape + guidance without attending appointments (fees apply), please contact us for available app plans.


  • The Training App is available for plan (packages) bookings only. PAYG clients will not have access to the App.




  • Payments are available online per booking. 


  • Block bookings (i.e plans) must be paid for in advance BUT sessions do not have to be booked in advance. However, all sessions must be redeemed as stated above.


  • All payments are non-refundable.



By booking any session with Shape Plus the client confirms they have read this form and they recognise and understand all the terms and conditions set between their personal trainer (Shani Lesk/SHAPE+) and themselves and agree to follow all the guidelines set out above and consent to participate.

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07456 610 921

Bolham, Tiverton, Devon , EX16 7RB

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